south tyneside council spending public money to catch a monkey

EXCLUSIVE:- On Saturday this naughty monkey revealed that he was in possession of a confidential document written by John Rumney (a council solicitor) to update South Tyneside Council leader Iain Malcolm on his efforts to catch South Tyneside’s premier blogger, Mr Monkey.

Well here it is…

"How to catch a 1"

“How to catch a monkey…page 2”      

If you would like to know why South Tyneside Council went to these extraordinary lengths to catch Mr Monkey, was prepared to waste hundreds of hours of council officers time and spent more than a £1/4 million pounds of council taxpayers money, why not ask council leader Iain Malcolm?

You can email councillor Iain Malcolm at or

According to councillor Iain Malcolm, he runs an open and transparent regime, at least that’s what he tells anyone that will listen. Well Iain now’s your chance to prove!

UPDATE:- A source in the South Shields Labour party has told this monkey that South Tyneside Council leader Iain Malcolm is desperately hoping that this story will go away …no such luck Iain this story is going to follow you wherever you go.